Hire Angular Developers

Choose Inspeerity’s Angular team for reliable web application development. Our skilled developers ensure your projects are efficiently completed to meet your specific needs, offering personalized solutions that stand out. 

q fix

Adrian Toczydlowski

Frontend Architect

15 years

Anna Kukawska

Frontend Developer

8 Years

Kamil Sochoń

Senior Angular Developer

5 Years

monika _gawryl

Monika Gawryłuk

Frontend developer

2 years


Angular Developers Core Skills

Technologies, tools & frameworks


Angular Material




Azure Cloud Services
























Facts About Angular Team​

Choosing a dedicated Angular team can be a strategic move for your business in specific situations. Let’s quickly run through when this option might be ideal for you.

Diverse Technical Expertise

The team has a wide range of front-end and back-end skills. They work with technologies like Angular, AngularJS, React, and Qwik. This ensures they can handle any project from start to finish.

Constantly Learning

They are skilled in the latest frameworks and libraries, including various versions of Angular, Angular Material, RxJS, and NgRx. This makes them capable of creating modern, efficient, and scalable applications.

High-Quality Focus

Their knowledge in testing frameworks such as Jest, Karma, and Cypress shows their dedication to quality and reliability in software solutions.

Future-Proof Solutions

With expertise in advanced tools like Docker, Microsoft Azure, and responsive web design, the team is prepared to meet changing project needs and future tech trends.

Our Screening Process

31% pass rate

Applications Review

In our selection process, we ensure our developers have a strong command of English, at least at a B2 level. We look for coding skills, project work, and experience. This step helps pick the best candidates for interviews based on their skills and past work.

25% pass rate

Cultural Fit & Soft Skills Interview

We assess teamwork and communication skills next. The focus is on finding people who fit well with your team and company culture. Strong interpersonal skills and adaptability are key. Both English proficiency and soft skills are vital for a smooth team integration.

31% pass rate

Technical Interview

A technical interview checks how well candidate knows coding languages and tools, how they use programming concepts, manage databases, work with software design, and use cloud services. It aims to see how good they are at solving problems and using technology.

23% pass rate

Final Decision

On your request you can interview the candidate before the final decision. This step ensures they're not just technically sound but also a good match for your team. Your approval leads to the job offer, concluding the selection process.

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We Invest in Our Team's Growth

In our company, we really care about helping our team get better at what they do.

Our team joins big tech conferences to grow and meet people in the industry. We also give each employee a budget every year to spend on training, courses, mentoring, or any other way they want to learn.

Investing in our team’s growth boosts their skills, job satisfaction, and teamwork, keeping us competitive and attractive to top talent. This not only improves our projects but also strengthens our company by building a more knowledgeable and motivated team.

4 events

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Angular Team


Software Architects







88 years

Team Experience


Average English Level

What industries does the Angular team have experience in?

We tailor software solutions to enhance efficiency in manufacturing, integrating AI and IoT for smarter, more effective production processes.

Our fintech software is designed to streamline financial operations, ensuring security and efficiency with emerging  technologies.

Custom software that improves patient care and operational workflows, utilizing AI and data analytics for better healthcare outcomes.

Insurance software to simplify claims and risk management. Using modern technology to improve security and build bridges between your processes. 

Our energy sector solutions focus on optimizing management and promoting sustainability, by giving you real time data access. 

Discover Satisfaction Guarantee Program

We trust the quality of what we do and the skills of our team. This is why we offer you a guarantee – if you’re not completely satisfied, you owe us nothing.



Our rating on Clutch

How to hire Angular Team?


Understanding Your Needs

First up, we need to get a clear picture of what you need. We'll talk about your project goals and the specific skills you're looking for. It's all about making sure we know exactly what you need to succeed


Finding the Right People

Next, we search for the best people for your project. We look through our team of experts to find those who have the right skills and would work well in your team.


Your Choice

Now, it's over to you. We'll give you a list of the best candidates we found. You can meet them and decide who you think will fit best in your team. It's important that you're satisfied with the choice.



Once you've picked the right people, we help get them started. We take care of setting them up and make sure they blend in well with your existing team. Our goal is to make this step as smooth as possible.


Support and Scalability

Finally, we stay with you every step of the way. As your project moves forward, we're here to help adjust the team if needed. We make sure you've always got the right people at the right time

Angular Software Development Services FAQs

Learn more about hiring Angular developers

Angular is a powerful framework for building dynamic web applications. It offers efficient data binding, a component-based architecture, and extensive support for single-page applications, making it ideal for creating high-performance web experiences.

We use a variety of communication tools and methodologies, such as Agile and Scrum, to ensure seamless collaboration and transparency with our clients. Regular updates, meetings, and feedback sessions are integral to our process.

Hiring Angualr developers is a simple process:

  • Send us your requirements: Describe your project and the specific Java developer requirements you have.
  • Receive a shortlist: Within 24 hours, we’ll provide you with a shortlist of available Java developers based on your requirements.
  • Select and hire: Choose the developers that best fit your project needs. We ensure full support and documentation throughout the onboarding process.


Yes, our developers are trained to understand the business context of the projects they work on. We make sure that getting to grips with your business idea is the top priority in onboarding. We use multiple workshops to get to the heart of your project. 

Yes, our team is flexible and experienced in integrating with various project management tools and processes to align with your project’s needs and ensure efficient workflow and collaboration.

Yes, you can detail your preferences for developers skilled in Angular frameworks. We’ll connect you with developers who align with your specific needs.

Our team operates across multiple time zones, including Central European Time (CET) for our developers in Poland, Brasília Time (BRT) for our team in Brazil, and Western European Time (WET) for our team in Portugal. This geographical distribution enables us to offer extended hours of operation and flexibility, ensuring that we can effectively manage projects and maintain communication with clients around the globe.

The hiring process can vary depending on your specific needs and the availability of developers. Typically, it takes 1-2 weeks from initial contact to having a developer start on your project.

Absolutely, we recognize the distinct nature of each project and provide a model to suit your Angular development needs. Be it full-time, part-time, or hourly involvement, our services can be customized to match your project’s unique requirements.

Yes, our developers are available for hire on both short-term and long-term projects. You can specify your project duration when you make your inquiry.

We sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with all our clients to guarantee the confidentiality of your project. Our developers also adhere to strict security protocols to protect your intellectual property and data.

We offer ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure your project remains up-to-date and runs smoothly. Our team is always available to address any post-deployment issues or further development needs.

We have a structured onboarding process designed to ensure a smooth transition for our developers into your project team. This includes providing access to project documentation, introducing them to key stakeholders, and clarifying roles and responsibilities to ensure a productive working relationship from the start.

Hire Angular Developers

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