IT Staff Augmentation Services

Staff augmentation involves hiring external professionals temporarily to complement your existing team, filling skill gaps, increasing capacity, and handling specialized tasks. It’s a flexible workforce strategy that can help you meet project deadlines and manage workload effectively.

piotr team

Supercharge your team with skilled professionals

Explore how IT Staff Augmentation might contribute to significant time and cost savings for your business

Access To A Large Pool Of Talent​

You can find and hire the best IT specialists for your project, regardless of your location, industry, or technology stack. 

Cost Savings and Efficiency​

Save on the overhead costs of hiring, training, and retaining full-time employees. 

Flexibility & Scalability

Adjust the size and composition of the augmented staff as your project needs change, and start or end their involvement as you wish. 

Control & Collaboration

Maintain full control over the project management, direction, and communication, and treat the augmented staff as an extension of your in-house team. 

Types of Staff Augmentation​

Staff augmentation, regardless of the type, is characterized by its flexibility, adaptability, and focus on fulfilling immediate or specialized needs.  This differs from a dedicated team model which typically involves forming a long-term, stable team.

Short-Term Augmentation​

Ideal for immediate, temporary needs, this type is perfect for filling temporary gaps or handling sudden workload increases. It offers quick adaptability without long-term commitments.

Specialized Skills Augmentation​

This approach is specifically for accessing niche skills or advanced expertise on a temporary basis. It’s distinct from a dedicated team model in that it’s used to fill skill gaps for specialized, short-term tasks, rather than forming a continuous, integrated team.

Long-Term Augmentation​

Suitable for extended projects, this type provides a stable, long-term workforce for ongoing development or large-scale initiatives. This type of augmentation is particularly valuable for scenarios where a project’s scope and requirements are extensive and evolve over time.

Project-Based Augmentation​

Tailored for individual projects, this type involves bringing in external talent for the duration of a specific project. In contrast to a dedicated team, which is usually a separate, stable unit, project-based augmentation is more fluid.

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Clients about us

You do not often come across a company where everyone has a positive attitude, is open-minded, willing to help, and you would like to spend even your free time with them as they are always polite and funny, and on top of it, providing highly professional work.

They’re a professional company that has really good resources, and I’d highly recommend them.

Inspeerity provided flexible development resource to augment the team at DA Systems in building a system for sensitive parcels that need to be delivered very fast and in a fully controlled manner.

We previously worked with Inspeerity because we wanted to update our OData WebAPI system. It turned out that they are very competent and open-minded.

Who Is It For?

Staff augmentation is a common solution across key sectors like manufacturing, fintech, healthcare, insurance, and energy. We use our industry-specific experience to deliver tailored solutions in each of these areas.

We tailor software solutions to enhance efficiency in manufacturing, integrating AI and IoT for smarter, more effective production processes.

Our fintech software is designed to streamline financial operations, ensuring security and efficiency with emerging  technologies.

Custom software that improves patient care and operational workflows, utilizing AI and data analytics for better healthcare outcomes.

Insurance software to simplify claims and risk management. Using modern technology to improve security and build bridges between your processes. 

Our energy sector solutions focus on optimizing management and promoting sustainability, by giving you real time data access. 

Key Differences

Staff Augmentation

We supplement your existing staff with additional resources to meet your specific needs on a temporary or permanent basis. 

Ideal for short-term projects

  1. You retain full control over your project and manage the augmented staff as part of your in-house team.
  2. You manage the augmented staff day-to-day, with our support in integration and HR management, ensuring they work well within your current team dynamics.
  3. Scalability – moderate to high, with our support in scaling your team based on the availability of talent that matches your specific needs.
  4. Offers you flexibility with the ability to adjust your team size based on current projects and workload.
  5. Augmented staff will integrate into your company’s existing processes, tools, and culture.

We provide you with a complete team dedicated exclusively to your project, acting as an extended arm of your business. 

Perfect for long-term projects

  1. You maintain significant input on team composition, project management, while we handle administrative and HR aspects.
  2. We are responsible for HR management, recruitment, and administrative tasks, allowing you to focus on guiding the team’s priorities and projects.
  3. Scalability – High, as we can adjust the team size based on your project needs, offering you flexibility as your requirements evolve.
  4. This model usually requires a longer-term commitment from you to ensure stability and alignment with your project goals.
  5. Our dedicated team might have its own processes but will strive to align with your business needs and culture.

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Our Technologies

If your business plans require specialized technology, our team has the expertise to fully integrate with your software solution.

40 +

Talented Professionals

0 +

Frontend Developers

0 +

Backend Developers

0 +

UX/UI Designers


Quality Assurance Specialist

0 +

Consultants & Business Analyst

0 +

Scrum Masters

When You Should Consider the IT Staff Augmentation Model?​

Scalability Needs

Consider IT Staff Augmentation for flexible and scalable project needs. This approach enables swift scaling of your team. Team size can be adjusted according to evolving project requirements. It ensures optimal resource allocation. Additionally, it avoids the need for long-term commitments.

Specialized Skills Requirement

When your project needs specific skills not present in your current team, consider bringing in experts for short-term assignments. This approach provides access to specialized knowledge and skills. It eliminates the need for extensive training or permanent hires.

Project Durations Vary

When your projects vary in duration and intensity, IT Staff Augmentation offers a cost-effective solution. It allows you to bring in extra resources for the duration of a project. This ensures the right expertise is available when you need it.

Budget Constraints

If you’re working to budget constraints, the IT Staff Augmentation model could be the answer. This approach allows for more efficient cost management. It involves bringing in external expertise temporarily, which reduces overhead expenses linked to permanent hires. Additionally, it offers a more adaptable financial model for your projects.

What is the Process for Staff Augmentation?​


Understanding Your Needs

First up, we need to get a clear picture of what you need. We'll talk about your project goals and the specific skills you're looking for. It's all about making sure we know exactly what you need to succeed


Finding the Right People

Next, we search for the best people for your project. We look through our team of experts to find those who have the right skills and would work well in your team.


Your Choice

Now, it's over to you. We'll give you a list of the best candidates we found. You can meet them and decide who you think will fit best in your team. It's important that you're satisfied with the choice.



Once you've picked the right people, we help get them started. We take care of setting them up and make sure they blend in well with your existing team. Our goal is to make this step as smooth as possible.


Support and Scalability

Finally, we stay with you every step of the way. As your project moves forward, we're here to help adjust the team if needed. We make sure you've always got the right people at the right time

Staff Augmentation FAQs

It’s like a talent booster shot for your existing team. We supply you with experienced IT professionals (developers, designers, QA specialists, etc.) to fill skill gaps, tackle specific projects, or scale your workforce on demand. You get targeted expertise without the hassle of recruiting or managing permanent employees.

Perfect if you face these scenarios:

Scalability Needs: Project demands fluctuate? Staff augmentation lets you scale your team up or down instantly, avoiding understaffing or overburdening your in-house team.
Specialized Skills Required: Need a blockchain guru or data scientist? Access a pool of diverse specialists without permanent hires or lengthy training.
Project Durations Vary: Got projects of varying lengths? Staff augmentation lets you tap into expertise for the exact duration needed, cost-effectively.
Budget Constraints: Working within tight budgets? This model lets you manage costs by paying only for the expertise you need, when you need it.

  •  We discuss your project goals, requirements, and desired skillset.
  •  We handpick qualified professionals with the perfect fit for your project needs and culture.
  • Our experienced leaders ensure your augmented team aligns with your project goals and delivers seamlessly.
  • We monitor progress and conduct regular performance reviews to maintain high standards of quality and efficiency.
  • As your project evolves, we adjust the team composition and approach to meet your dynamic needs.
  • Access to a larger talent pool: Find the best IT specialists regardless of location, industry, or tech stack.
  • Cost savings and efficiency: Save on hiring, training, and retention costs, pay only for hours worked.
  • Flexibility and scalability: Easily adjust team size and skillset as project needs change.
  • Control and collaboration: Maintain control over project management and treat the augmented team as your own.

We offer a Satisfaction Guarantee Program to experience the power of IT staff augmentation firsthand. See how it can supercharge your team and deliver results, before committing. All the details can be found here.

The timeline varies, but we often start presenting candidates within a week and can have them onboard in a few weeks, depending on your project’s requirements.

We conduct a rigorous screening process assessing technical skills, soft skills, and cultural fit to ensure augmented staff align well with your team and project goals.

Yes, it’s ideal for short-term projects needing specific skills, providing the expertise you need for the project duration without long-term hiring commitments.

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