The AI Chat Assistant Simplifying Complex Documentation Across Industries

Meet TREWOR – The AI Chat assistant for analyzing large documentation



Background & need

Project background

In today’s digital age, the sheer amount of documents and product details can be overwhelming. It often leads to employees and customers feeling lost in a sea of information. Recognizing this challenge, the concept of TREWOR was born.

Originally, the vision for TREWOR was modest – a simple web tool. As the potential benefits became clearer and the challenges of navigating extensive documentation persisted, the scope for TREWOR grew. This evolution laid the foundation for the comprehensive AI assistant it is today.






Introduction to TREWOR

AI chat assistant

TREWOR, at its core, is an AI chat assistant designed to simplify the complexity of large documents. Whether it’s employees seeking clarity on company policies or customers wanting to understand product specifics, TREWOR aims to provide concise and precise information in real-time.

Instead of pouring over extensive manuals or documents, users can now interact with TREWOR. An AI chat assistant that efficiently extracts and delivers the required information.

trewor all devices


Design & Development

Objectives and vision

Besides chatting, TREWOR can read different file types like DOC and PDF. So it’s great for companies that have lots of products and data to handle. Plus, its flexible design works for businesses of all sizes and types.

Choosing the right tech stack

The initial tech foundation for TREWOR included React and Node.js. However, to better align with the migration to open-lama, the team decided to transition to Python. The database of choice was PostgreSQL, supplemented by pgvector to speed up document-analysis.


TREWOR’s design focused on being simple and easy for users. Moreover, it isn’t one-size-fits-all. It seamlessly adjusts to match the branding of the company deploying it, ensuring that while the tool is consistent in its function, its style can resonate with each organization’s unique visual identity.

Overcoming data security challenges

Data serves as a valuable asset but can also pose significant risks. The TREWOR team identified potential vulnerabilities with third party provider that could reveal sensitive information.  With a focus on enhancing data security, plans are in motion for a future Phase II, where TREWOR will transition away from the Open AI, aiming to operate securely on-premise while consistently safeguarding essential data. 

Color Scheme

trewor colors


Aa Bb Cc

Catamaran - 14p

trewor main
trewor app


TREWOR’s implementation at Inspeerity

Inspeerity has integrated TREWOR to enhance its workflow. With this tool, our employees effortlessly access information from extensive documents. This AI-powered chat assistant streamlines data access in Inspeerity, allowing our employees to search for anything they need while working.  Whether it’s guidance on invoicing, instructions on settling travel expenses, or policies, TREWOR has it covered.

TREWOR decodes large files, even in DOC and PDF formats, presenting insights instantly.

Prioritizing data security, TREWOR will, in its upcoming phase II, transition away from dependencies on ChatGPT, reinforcing its on-premise data protection capabilities.

At Inspeerity, TREWOR has allowed us to modernize our internal processes. Our team now swiftly accesses necessary data, from invoicing procedures to team policies, making information accessible instantly.



In a digital world, sifting through mountains of documents can be daunting. TREWOR is a solution born to tackle this. Originally envisioned as a basic web tool, its potential quickly transformed it into an advanced AI chat assistant.

Inspeerity has integrated TREWOR to enhance its workflow. With this tool, our employees effortlessly access information from extensive documents. This AI-powered chat assistant streamlines data access in Inspeerity, allowing our employees to search for anything they need while working.  Whether it’s guidance on invoicing, instructions on settling travel expenses, or policies, TREWOR has it covered.

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