As a developer, I’ve conducted many Node.js interviews, and I’ve noticed a recurring theme. Many candidates often struggle with the distinction between callbacks and closures. These are fundamental JavaScript concepts, yet they trip up even experienced developers. Let’s break them down and clear up the confusion, developer to developer.

Why do we even use callbacks?

To understand callbacks, we need a quick history lesson. JavaScript has always been asynchronous, but the tools we take for granted today, like async/await and Promises, didn’t exist. It wasn’t until ECMAScript 2016 that they were included. So how did developers handle asynchronous tasks before then? That’s right, with callbacks.

What is a callback?

A callback is just a regular function, but it’s used in a slightly unconventional way. Instead of being called directly, it’s passed as an argument to another function. This lets you run the callback later, often after another operation finishes.

Here’s a quick example:

function myCallback() {
  console.log("My Callback function has been fired!");

setTimeout(myCallback, 3000); // Fires the callback after 3 seconds

In this example, myCallback is passed to setTimeout. After three seconds, setTimeout executes the callback, logging the message to the console. Callbacks were the go-to method for handling asynchronous behavior in the early days of JavaScript. While still useful, they’ve largely been replaced by Promises and async/await for modern development.

What makes closures different?

Closures are another key concept in JavaScript, and they take advantage of the language’s ability to support nested functions. A closure occurs when a function retains access to its parent’s variables, even after the parent has finished executing. In other words, a closure “remembers” the environment where it was created.

Here’s a practical example:

function multiplier(x) {
  return function (y) {
    return x * y;

const double = multiplier(2);
console.log(double(5)); // Outputs 10

In this case, the multiplier function returns a nested function that can access the x variable from its parent’s scope. Closures are great for creating functions with private states or building reusable utilities like the multiplier above.

Can a callback be a closure?

Here’s the tricky part. Yes, a callback can also be a closure. However, candidates usually have a problem explaining, especially when they need to go into more detail. If a callback relies on variables from its parent’s scope, it functions as a closure. For example:

function fetchData(apiUrl) {
    const apiKey = "secretKey";

    setTimeout(function callback() {
        console.log(`Fetching from ${apiUrl} with API key: ${apiKey}`);
    }, 2000);


Here, the callback function is both a callback (passed to setTimeout) and a closure (it uses the apiKey variable from its parent function). This dual role often confuses developers during interviews.

Wrapping everything up

Let’s summarize. Callbacks and closures often trip up even experienced developers in interviews. Callbacks allow you to manage asynchronous tasks by passing functions as arguments, while closures unlock the ability to access a parent function’s variables from within a nested function. And yes, sometimes callbacks can also be closures when they rely on their parent’s scope. Understanding these concepts not only helps you answer tough interview questions but also helps you to write cleaner, more efficient code in real-world projects.

Everything understood? Good. Now you can ace your next interview.

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